Set in 1950’s Italy, this story, chronicles the “real life” battle of the sexes saga between the legendary Enzo Ferrari and American heiress Willie Smith over a fabulous prize: the last 375 MM Ferrari Spyder.
In Carmel, California, the beautiful, wealthy and modern Willametta “Willie” Smith makes gets word that her generous offer to purchase the very last of these magnificent car was an offer too good for Ferrari to pass up. His racing season is not going well, and the European royal for whom the car was destined declined delivery. So, he’s happy to get this problem off his plate.
Willie is also facing some challenges, as her husband Buddy seems to be doing more than looking at other women. Relieved and excited, Willie flies to Modena, Italy to pick up her car, leaving behind her philandering husband and children behind.
Trouble begins for Willie, after Alberto Cello, Ferrari’s right hand, meets their new customer and discovers a horrible mistake: Despite Willie’s masculine sounding name, the buyer, whose offer was contractually accepted, is… a woman! A housewife. Cello races to Ferrari’s office, with Willie in hot pursuit.
Unwilling to return home without the car, Willie digs in, waging a battle of the sexes with Ferrari, experiencing triumph as she shows her prowess with a Ferrari race car and and setbacks as Cello serves as proxy for Ferrari’s intransigence. But Willie’s wealth and determination begin turning the tide of battle.
She returns to Modena, seeking out Ferrari to share a mutual grief over their friend. Ferrari bitterly disappoints her, and a dramatic confrontation results in a bloody nose for Ferrari and abandonment of a dream for Willie.